CMS Offers 90 Enforcement-Free Days for HIPAA 5010

Posted on by Frank J. Rosello

It’s not entirely surprising that CMS has instituted a 90-day grace period for HIPAA 5010.To be clear: The compliance date remains January 1, 2012 but the agency said it will not “initiate enforcement action” on that compliance before March 31, 2012.

Clink the link to view entire article written by Tom Sullivan, Editor Government Health IT: CMS offers 90 enforcement-free days for HIPAA 5010

Frank J.Rosello is CEO & Co-Founder of Environmental Intelligence LLC. 

Environmental Intelligence LLC is a Complete Outsourced Health IT Company providing End-to-End meaningful physician workflows consulting, integration, and implementation in (EHR) Electronic Health Records and Practice Management to private and public medical practices and facilities differentiated by our experienced, physician driven administrative staff and dedicated Health IT team.

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